Horse next to a horse

    1. Register Number: 12

    2. Address: The building of the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior, 7 “Bacho Kiro” St., Veliko Tarnovo 5000

    3. Coordinates:

      43.078025, 25.631641

    4. Artist/Architect: Nicola Hadjitanev, Alexander Alexiev

    5. Type of Site: Monumental decoration

    6. Name: “Horse next to a horse”

    7. Other Names for the Monument: 

    8. Technique: Mosaic

    9. Materials Used: 

    10. Dating: 1980

    11. Monument Ownership: 

    12. Document Types:

    13. Cadastral Map Identifier:

    14. Regulation Plan Number :

    15. Affiliation to Other Cultural Monuments or Assemblages:

    16. Dimensions of the Monument (measurements): 

    17. Description – Analysis of the Type, Style & Iconography :
      Mosaic on a facade above the entrance of the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior, Veliko Tarnovo. The mosaic is precisely made with natural stones as well as with painted joints, which outline the horses’ tails and manes.

    18. Signature/Artist’s Initials: 

    19. Condition:
      The mosaic is in a stable condition overall. There is some surface contamination and individual tesserae pairs are missing, particularly in swords. The letters have been replaced, but they are not in the mosaic area.

    20. Conservation / Restoration: 

    21. Preservation Regimes according to Bulgaria’s Cultural Heritage Act:
      In order to better present this work to the public, it is necessary to conduct a surface cleaning; provide for its regular maintanance and security; install lights for illumination; and add a plaque with the artist, title and year.

    22. Plans and Documentation Relating to Implementation: No

    23. Connection with the Environment: Macro – Favourable

    24. Primary Function of the Building: 

    25. Current Function of the Building: Regional Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior

    26. Access: Public

    27. Observation Access: Unlimited

    28. Correspondence Between Initial Project Plan & Implementation:

    29. Comments/Other: