Velchova Zavera

    1. Register Number: 4

    2. Address: 18 “Kapitan Georgi Mamarchev” St., Veliko Tarnovo 5000

    3. Coordinates:

      43.083171, 25.640791

    4. Artist/Architect: Prof. Nikola Gelov

    5. Type of Site: Monumental decoration

    6. Name: “Velchova Zavera”

    7. Other Names for the Monument: 

    8. Technique: Sgraffito

    9. Materials Used: 

    10. Dating: 1974

    11. Monument Ownership: 

    12. Document Types:

    13. Cadastral Map Identifier:

    14. Regulation Plan Number :

    15. Affiliation to Other Cultural Monuments or Assemblages:

    16. Dimensions of the Monument (measurements): 

    17. Description – Analysis of the Type, Style & Iconography :
      The sgraffito covers the entire dead wall of a residential building and depicts a figural composition, developed symetrically along the central axis. The work was crafted using four layers of plaster, sequentially applied from dark red, through black, to ocher, and finally, white.

    18. Signature/Artist’s Initials: 

    19. Condition:
      The building adorned with sgraffito has experienced structural issues and recently underwent reinforcement with a steel-concrete frame surrounding and beneath the artwork. Numerous damages, both old and new, are noticeable, particularly on the left side, underneath the roof, and in the lower corner. These damages stem from capillary moisture and water seepage from the roof. A segment of the sgraffito, down to the base layer, is entirely missing, and the layers of colored plaster have become detached. The voids have been filled in with a similar-colored paint added directly onto the base layer. Recent damages include signs of anchoring or reinforcing the scaffolding onto the sgraffito itself. Additionally, there are visible cement drips and leaks along the entire wall.

    20. Conservation / Restoration: A restoration of the work has been planned.

    21. Preservation Regimes according to Bulgaria’s Cultural Heritage Act:
      In order to better preserve this work, it is necessary to: conduct a detailed condition assessment; prepare a project for its conservation which preserves its authenticity; clean, stabilize, and reinforce the surface; reconstruct the gaps; and address the root cause of the damages. In order to better present this work to the public, it is necessary to: provide for its regular maintanance and security; install lights for illumination; and add a plaque with the artist, title and year.

    22. Plans and Documentation Relating to Implementation

    23. Connection with the Environment: Macro – Favourable

    24. Primary Function of the Building: 

    25. Current Function of the Building: 

    26. Access: Public

    27. Observation Access: Unlimited

    28. Correspondence Between Initial Project Plan & Implementation:

    29. Comments/Other: