
    1. Register Number: 11

    2. Address: “Henry Ford” Vocational School, 8 “Haydut Sider” Str., “Ilinden” District

    3. Coordinates:

      42.711177, 23.288904

    4. Artist/Architect: Yordan Markov

    5. Type of Site: Monumental Decoration

    6. Name:

    7. Other Names for the Monument: 

    8. Technique: Mosaic

    9. Materials Used: 

    10. Dating: 1979

    11. Monument Ownership: Public Property

    12. Document Types:

    13. Cadastral Map Identifier:

    14. Regulation Plan Number :

    15. Affiliation to Other Cultural Monuments or Assemblages:

    16. Dimensions of the Monument (measurements): 

    17. Description – Analysis of the Type, Style & Iconography :
      Decorative opus tessellatum mosaic, composed of natural stone, covers two sides of the facade. The tesserae, rectangular in shape and diverse in size, showcase a palette of five colors: white (marble), dark and light grey, various shades of ochre (limestone, ecaussine, ceramics, smalt), red, and greenish umber. The mosaic is precisely arranged in a solution of mortar and cement. It also has the signature of Yordan Markov, 1979.

    18. Signature/Artist’s Initials: 

    19. Condition:
      The mosaic is in stable condition. There is some surface contamination and individual tesserae are missing. An air conditioner installed on the north facade disrupts the appearance of the mosaic.

    20. Conservation / Restoration: 

    21. Preservation Regimes according to Bulgaria’s Cultural Heritage Act:
      This mosaic woud benefit from a cleaning, as well as surface reinforcement and replacement of the missing tesserae. In order to better present this work to the public, it is necessary to: provide for its regular maintenance and security; install lights for illumination; and add a plaque with the artist, title and year.

    22. Plans and Documentation Relating to Implementation

    23. Connection with the Environment: 

    24. Primary Function of the Building:

    25. Current Function of the Building:

    26. Access: 

    27. Observation Access: 

    28. Correspondence Between Initial Project Plan & Implementation:

    29. Comments/Other: