
    1. Register Number: 10

    2. Address: 18 “Serdica” Str., “Oboriste” District

    3. Coordinates:

      42.69972092231831, 23.32464103988114

    4. Artist/Architect: K. Stanchev; E. Bosyatski

    5. Type of Site: Monumental Decoration

    6. Name: “Serdica”

    7. Other Names for the Monument: 

    8. Technique: Sgraffito

    9. Materials Used: 

    10. Dating: 1978

    11. Monument Ownership: Private Property

    12. Document Types:

    13. Cadastral Map Identifier:

    14. Regulation Plan Number :

    15. Affiliation to Other Cultural Monuments or Assemblages:

    16. Dimensions of the Monument (measurements): 

    17. Description – Analysis of the Type, Style & Iconography :
      Sgraffito on the south wall of a residential building which, according to the inscription on the work, represents “a tower of the sothern fortification wall of Serdica from the 2nd-4th century AD”. The sgraffito is composed of a dark red layer and a subsequent white layer. It is signed by K. Stanchev and E. Bosyatski.

    18. Signature/Artist’s Initials: 

    19. Condition:
      The general state of preservation is good. The upper section of the work appears lighter and brighter than the lower section, suggesting that some of the surface colours have been retouched.

    20. Conservation / Restoration: 

    21. Preservation Regimes according to Bulgaria’s Cultural Heritage Act:
      In order to better present this work to the public, it is necessary to: provide for its regular maintenance and security; install lights for illumination; and add a plaque with the artist, title and year.

    22. Plans and Documentation Relating to Implementation

    23. Connection with the Environment: 

    24. Primary Function of the Building:

    25. Current Function of the Building:

    26. Access: 

    27. Observation Access: 

    28. Correspondence Between Initial Project Plan & Implementation:

    29. Comments/Other: